is reader supported. Our links may earn us a commission.

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Editorial Ethics & Policy-

At, our commitment to transparency, integrity, and ethical journalism are at the core of what we do. Our overarching aim is to deliver impartial and trustworthy information to empower our readers in their workwear choices. Our editorial policy and ethics below outline the principles that guide our work:

Editorial independence and impartiality

Unbiased Perspectives: maintains complete independence from workwear manufacturers and brands. We stand apart from any affiliations, partnerships, or financial interests that could sway our reporting. Our reviews and recommendations are based on wearing and testing products we purchased at retail prices.

Originality: As mentioned, our articles are genuinely written by our expert and experienced writers after actual product testing – not Robots. Robots know nothing about choosing and wearing premium workwear and work footwear – this is our job! Our product reviews articles always include images and videos we have taken ourselves. These, along with all the materials found on the site, constitute the intellectual property of, and should never be used by anyone without permission.

Uninfluenced Reporting: We do not accept payment for coverage, ensuring that our content remains uninfluenced by financial incentives or advertising arrangements. Our editorial decisions are grounded solely in the pursuit of providing accurate, objective and unbiased insights to our audience.

Editorial Standards

  1. Professional Integrity: Our editorial team comprises seasoned professionals with expertise in the workwear industry. We adhere to the highest journalistic standards in all our content.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: Our team of writers, testing, and contributors are strictly prohibited from accepting gifts or compensation from the companies and brands they cover. Transparency regarding any potential conflicts of interest is paramount.
  3. Accuracy and Corrections: We are committed to delivering accurate and up-to-date information. Any identified inaccuracies or breaches of our ethics policy are promptly corrected and updated.

Product Reviews and Testing

  1. Review Methodology: While we typically purchase products for evaluation, we may occasionally receive items from manufacturers or PR agencies. These products are evaluated impartially, and we adhere to embargo agreements and return the products as required.
  2. Gifts and Compensation: Our writers do not accept gifts or compensation from manufacturers or brands. Compensation is solely provided for content creation, with editorial independence maintained throughout.

Advertising and Affiliate Relationships

  1. Referral Programs: Our primary source of revenue is referral programs. When readers click on “Buy Now” links on our site and make purchases, we may earn a small commission. These links are distinct from editorial content, and our recommendations remain uninfluenced by advertising or affiliates.
  2. Transparency: We transparently disclose our participation in affiliate programs (in our advertising disclosure section), including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This disclosure ensures complete transparency in our revenue model. We will also participate in other affiliate programs.

Sponsored Content and Partnerships

Sponsored Content: Occasionally, we may partner with manufacturers or brands to produce educational news content and features. Sponsored content is clearly labeled as advertising, even if it does not endorse specific products.

Awards and Recognitions

Editorial Awards: Our editorial team may bestow distinctions such as “Editor’s Choice” or “Best in class” on workwear products. Our editorial team solely determines these awards based on their expertise and the actual results of product testing. Companies may license these awards for promotional use, but we do not sell unearned accolades or placements.

Our Unwavaring Commitment to our readers

At, our unwavering commitment is to maintain the highest standards on our work. We recognize the importance of selecting the right workwear and work footwear. We pledge to provide our readers with truly useful, practical, unbiased, and transparent content to empower your workwear decisions. We uphold our ethics policy with integrity, ensuring that our site and its content remain trustworthy and valuable to you.

Editorial Team

September 2023